🤜❤️‍🔥🤛Challenger 🩺mission impossible❔️ Profile picture
🔊 )) ask for clean air in medical care!🩺 @SourceControl21@medibubble.org @SourceContro21@zeroes.ca 🦋 @ https://t.co/5BASaaSaEE

May 1, 2024, 7 tweets

@SafeInside2024 Do this with members of dental board of directors and institutions which bring out guidance!

In every country
For germany:

☎️ Members of @

The practicers are imo the last adress

They do what they are told from the top down

@SafeInside2024 Please share & ☎️📡💯✅️ 👇👇👇

@SafeInside2024 DGKH 2022


🤬 krankenhaushygiene.de/pdfdata/2022_0…

@SafeInside2024 2022 DGKH


😵 krankenhaushygiene.de/pdfdata/2022_0…

@SafeInside2024 🤬

It's awful to read but I hope you can translate it and see in which hell german hospital & dentist hygiene association are putting pupils, patients & staff

😵 krankenhaushygiene.de/pdfdata/027-07…

@SafeInside2024 DGKH december 2022


"Population needs to get infected, no recommendations to mask" 🤢

Hope you will ☎️ 📡💯
to remind them their failure krankenhaushygiene.de/informationen/…

@SafeInside2024 @threadreaderapp unroll DGKH

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