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May 1, 2024, 12 tweets



🧵 Thread:

On July 16, 2021, Mark Zuckerberg texted Sheryl Sandberg, Nick Clegg, and Joel Kaplan.

Three of the highest ranking executives at Facebook.

Could Facebook tell the world that “the [Biden] WH put pressure on us to censor the lab leak theory?"

Earlier that day, Joe Biden had told the world that Facebook was “killing people,” and the company was livid.

Nick Clegg described the Biden White House as “highly cynical and dishonest.”

Sheryl Sandberg said they were being scapegoated because the White House was failing to meet its vaccination numbers.

Facebook felt that they had been combatting alleged misinformation—aka censoring Americans—all year!

Since February 2021, the company had been censoring the “Wuhan lab leak theory” “in response to … tense conversations with the new [Biden] Administration.”

In late May 2021, Facebook finally stopped removing content about the lab leak theory, though still demoted it.

When Facebook employees informed Mark Zuckerberg of the reversal and why they censored the lab leak theory in the first place, Zuckerberg warned that this is what happens when the company “compromises [its] standards due to pressure from an administration.”

Other documents confirm this.

In July 2021, Clegg asked why Facebook had been censoring the lab leak theory of COVID-19’s origins. The answer could not have been clearer: “Because we were under pressure from the administration . . . We shouldn’t have done it.”

These documents show the CHILLING EFFECT government coercion has on free expression.

Facebook knew the White House wanted them to censor, but they didn’t exactly know what or how much.

The First Amendment is first for a reason. Without it, we cannot enjoy our other liberties.

More to come…

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