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Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.

May 3, 27 tweets



Is there more to Voodoo Doughnuts than they are telling us? Why the pedo symbol on logo and donuts and sick IG pictures? Isaac Kappy and Vegan Mikey both told us there is more going on here. Let's see for ourselves.

Their logo has an obvious pedophile logo swirl on what looks to be a black child with a pretzel stabbing it's heart.

I also might add that its hands and legs are missing. Almost like the human sex dolls we've seen with legs and arms amputated.

Proudly displaying for all to see

Where have we seen pictures like this before? 🍕

They have a weird online store that sells girls' underwear and children's clothes.

The website is sketchy and also sells bumper stickers with obvious sexual references.

They love showing you who they worship.

Anthony Bordain visited. Almost looks like the girl lover pedo heart symbol in donut on thr wall....

Nothing to see here. It's just child size coffins filled with donuts. Can you guess what donuts are in reference to?

They also expanded heavily into Asian countries. Seems odd for a small donut shop in the known child trafficking city of Portland, Oregon.


Bear with me. We are going to look at some shady IG photos that are hard to find these days. There's quite a few.

"The magic is in the hole"

These people are sick. If you think they didn't mean something by this, think again.

I had to zoom in on this IG post so you can read the shirt 😡

You can see the full archived post here

This is actually mimicking the famous painting of Saturn Devouring His Son is a painting by Spanish artist Francisco Goya.

If you know anything about the occult and Saturn, you may get more out of the true meaning behind this IG post.

More child sized coffins with pentagram donut below. Not to mention the Hallpween pumpkin that originated with the druidic custom of child sacrifice. They would fill gourds with the fat of a sacrificed child.

Ice cream?

Pizza on a donut. Why was I not surprised to find this one?

If you have eyes to see, you would know this picture isn't random. Otherwise, it makes no sense to someone who is asleep.

Bernie Sanders. Wasn't he in the news recently?

Devin Miller with obvious pedophile symbols for his CD release party.

Most of these pictures we are going through have been erased by Voodoo Doughnut. Good thing the internet is forever.

Definitely not creepy after everything we've seen so far.

They were just further rubbing it in our faces. But if it's nothing, why delete these Voodoo Doughnuts?

The whole thing is off. You know it, and I know it.

Not to mention the other perverted donuts they sell there.

Why are children coming here?

Vegan Mikey, an SRA survivor, claims Voodoo Doughnuts is an underground child trafficking operation.

Isaac Kappy also had something to say about Voodoo Doughnuts. Maybe we should listen.


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