Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

May 3, 7 tweets


elonmusk emailed me about his plan for AI news on X.

The idea is to use AI to blend breaking news and commentary, building real-time summaries of events. Then you can go deeper via chat on Grok.



Elon Musk’s Plan For AI News

Musk emails with details on AI-powered news inside X. An AI bot will summarize news and commentary, sometimes looking through tens of thousands of posts per story.…

Holy Crap. Pretty damn cool.



"His plan is to use AI to combine breaking news and social commentary around big stories, present the compilation live, and allow you to go deeper via chat."



Elon Musk says he wants Grok to create news summaries by relying solely on X posts, without looking at article text, and improved story citations are coming



Friday Pod: Details on my email exchange with elonmusk, a look at whether GenAI is a real business yet, the case for AI boyfriends. And a lot of goofy stuff. With ranjanxroy



Emails From Elon, Al Revenue Questions, Chatbot Boyfriends

Big Technology Podcast…

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