Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 Profile picture
J6 conspiracy theorist, insurrection denier. Former food blogger. Real Clear https://t.co/R50N6uQkSf

May 4, 5 tweets

Before I address the evidence-tampering filing posted by Special Counsel Jack Smith last night, let's turn to the motion that forced Smith to admit what happened--one filed by Walt Nauta's attorney on May 1.

Remember the photo of "classified docs" strewn on the floor with scary looking cover sheets to depict the classification level of various papers?

It appears those cover sheets, or slip sheets, were produced and used by the FBI after the raid.

The cover sheets do not represent the format in which the records were found--an intentional misrepresentation in the court docket for special master lawsuit and by the media.

Here is how Nauta's attorney described what we now know is the FBI's use of "slip sheets" to replace alleged classified papers.

Look familiar?

This is how DOJ in August 2022 described the files in
a filing to Judge Cannon with accompanying photo that went viral to make it appear that this was the original form of the documents seized by FBI.

This does not appear to be the truth--at all. It instead appears that the red, yellow, and blue cover sheets were "slip sheets" the FBI used to replace alleged classified files.

Jack Smith finally admitted yesterday the FBI used those sheets as placeholders (I mean, you can't really say "props" to help stage a "stunt") in his filing last night.

Then laughably claimed FBI found so many classified records they ran out of stunt covers/slip sheets.

I could spend all day posting news articles and segments claiming that photo depicted the form in which the documents originally were found.

Here is what one "intelligence expert" told ABC News after the photo went viral.

There is no indication in initial reporting that the FBI was responsible for those cover sheets.

More here from Jack Smith:

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