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a mind forever voyaging

May 4, 7 tweets


The Biden Admin will dissolve & disband its unlawful DHS Intelligence Experts Group stacked with deep state partisans like James Clapper and John Brennan



VICTORY – Biden DHS Disbands Illegal “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” Including Russia Collusion Hoaxers John Brennan and James Clapper Following Lawsuit Filed by AFL and Former Ambassador Ric Grenell


Secretary Mayorkas Announces Establishment of Homeland Intelligence Experts Group [Sep 19, 2023]


John Brennan, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

James Clapper, CNN National Security Analyst


VICTORY – continued


Dr. Paul, Sen. Scott Lead Letter Demanding Mayorkas Rescind Appointments of Known Disinformation Spreaders to Intelligence Group


In avoiding further litigation in this case, DHS agreed to (1) disband the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” and (2) provide AFL with access to its records. Accordingly, DHS and AFL agreed to dismiss the case.


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