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Public Affairs/Podcast Host React19 Bringing awareness to the unconscionable cruelty imposed upon the vaccine injured.

May 5, 14 tweets

A response to @nytimes 🧵1/

2/ @ResearcherNP Shaun has been trying to get his story out since November 2021:



5/ It’s too bad that @DrWoodcockFDA did not have this remorse much earlier.

6/Janet Woodcock, Peter Marks, and the NIH knew of all these injuries in January 2021. @BrianneDressen @React19org 10/


8/ “Nobody Cares”

Orthopedic surgeon, @WallskogJoel, cofounder of @React19org



11/If you are injured, no one’s coming to help you.” Those words need to be part of any informed consent.


14/I sincerely hope that one day the @nytimes will actually print the truth that Dr. Jan Maisel (A Pediatrics Specialist with over 42 years of experience in the medical field)
stated three years ago, that this has been:
“The worst public health scandal in our history.”

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