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May 8, 19 tweets

Elon Musk & The US MILITARY! 🔥

Ready for this… How would you feel knowing Elon Musk is working with our Military to defeat the Deep-State?

Because he is…..
Thread 🧵

On April 14th, 2022 Elon Musk purchased X, formally known as Twitter for $44 BILLION DOLLARS!

It amazes me that not many people found that purchase a tad bit odd.

Well I did, and look what I dug up…

In 2017 Kash Patel became Senior Aid to House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunez. Along with Nunez, Kash led the investigation, ultimately debunking the Russian collusion hoax.

2 years later, Kash became “Senior Director of the Counterterrorism Directorate”, at the National Security Council, a new position created just for him.

And in November 2020, Kash was made Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller.

For those who aren’t aware, take a look at our Military’s “National Chain of Command” and check out how close Kash Patel was to our Commander-in-Chief 😳

Kash is notable for reportedly stonewalling the Biden Admin transition team from accessing certain classified documents and info of ongoing key defense issues at the Pentagon.

Now here’s where things get juicy…

In 2022, on the @greggutfeld show, Kash Patel reveals that Elon Musk is amongst other things, our nations “biggest DEFENSE CONTRACTOR”

I highly recommend you listen to this clip below..

During Trumps administration, DJT spent $2.5 TRILLION DOLLARS on our Military… and according to Kash, Elon received the largest piece of the pie.

“We’ve totally rebuilt the Military, $2.5 Trillion Dollars. Some people would say that’s out of budget, I say, there is no budget when it comes to our Military”

@greggutfeld Trump has repeatedly told us who our true Enemy is… A bold statement, for there’s many around the world who hate us.


@greggutfeld So let’s get this straight…

If our actual Enemy is the Fake News, how do we defeat and destroy our enemy?

What are our enemy’s most powerful weapons in this particular battlefield and how do we destroy them?
(CNN, Google, Facebook, TWITTER, etc)

During an “Information War for the narrative”, how valuable & powerful of a weapon was Twitter for the Deep-State before they lost control of it?

How much of the $2.5 Trillion dollars went to defending us against our enemy’s weapons of mass destruction?

Do you defeat the fake news media with tanks and bullets?

What if you could simply purchase your enemies weapons right from under them using defense funds???


@greggutfeld Was the plan for @elonmusk to do a “hostile-purchase” of Twitter from the Deep-State players in order to turn their weapon on them and expose their crimes to the public?

I believe so..

@greggutfeld @elonmusk Elon musk will release the mother of all Twitter bombs 💣

Which will include direct messages of the traitors conspiring via Twitter to overthrow our duly elected government and President.

The Patriots purchased Twitter in preparation for the largest public declass in history!

@greggutfeld @elonmusk

@greggutfeld @elonmusk A storm is coming America 🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️

@greggutfeld @elonmusk

@greggutfeld @elonmusk Follow for part 2, where I will discuss Elons involvement in Space Force / Space X 🔥🛰️🌪️

Please share any thoughts on this topic, I myself am interested in knowing more!

@greggutfeld @elonmusk Listen to that roar from the Troops 😱

@greggutfeld @elonmusk Elon has posted the same quote 3 separate times…

What do you think he’s talking about? 🤔

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