Shayne, All ziønists are terrørists Profile picture

May 11, 11 tweets

1 #auspol2024 This is a thread about the Australian Zionists; the men & women whose job it is to sell mass murder & genocide to Australians. They work almost exclusively w/ Sky News & The Australian to counter the evil in #Gaza with false claims of #antisemitism. The old man 2

2 keeps pumping it out like a sewer treatment plant. Fake 'Jew,' fake Australian. More on him in a mo' but first to the Australian Jewish Association’s chief executive Robert Gregory. This ugly fuckstick 3

3 named my professional website when declaring me a danger to Jews. Its clear libel but he knows a retired artist has no power against whatever judiciary/barristers the Zs have in their vast stable. And I don't want firebomb issues like @Rustinyoureye & @HashTayeh nor do I 4

4 need them to send another intimidating raid from Counter-terrorism. But, once again, I'll say we're not anti-Jew, we're anti- those so consumed by anti-Arab racism they celebrate the massacre of Gaza kids. And send their own kids to repopulate #Gaza & the W. bank. That brings 5

5 us to the old cadaver @LeiblerMark. My 'obsession' is in the ultimate power these mass murderers have over all areas of power in #auspol2024. There are dozens of Australian Zionist organisations that defend #Israeli #genocide & promote #Islamophobia. We've seen attacks on 6

6 opponents of the Israeli genocide & actors, journalists, artists and ordinary people have had their lives destroyed. @alexryvchin lied about his involvement, but files published by @smh proved involvement in the WhatsApp600 by Robert Goot, VP of @ECAJewry 7

7 The Big Three of the ethno-supremacist racists are The Zionist Federation of Australia, the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council and the United Israel Appeal. They're cited in the press as politically-impartial representatives of all Jewish people. They facilitate 8

8 program of “Aliyah and absorption,” the migration of Jewish people From Oz to Israel & have sent over 10,000 Australians to repopulate #Palestine. These illegal settlers are the greatest impediment to peace in the region. Jewish teenagers & young adults are sent to Israel 9

9 on expenses paid trips to indoctrinate them in Zionism. In all 3 orgs, Mark Leibler, features prominently. He's national chairman of AIJAC and Life Chairman of the UIA. Ex-president of the Zionist Federation, a position now held by his son, @jeremyleibler. His power 10

10 stretches to the top Australian boardrooms, through the ATO, to the apex of this country’s & Israeli politics, including a close relationship with Mossad. He's honorary member of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel, directly involved in the establishment of the 11

11 the formation of about 1,000 Israeli towns and villages, i.e., the ethnic cleansing of the #Palestinians. So, when these zunts tell us they're 'lobbying to defend Jewish safety' we should remember who these Israelis controlling our nation really are.

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