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May 12, 8 tweets

Annually, $BTC volatility has dropped below that of top tech stocks, including $TSLA, $META, and $NVDA.

What does this mean for #Bitcoin? 🧡

πŸ‘‰ #Bitcoin's 1-year realized volatility is 44.88%, compared to over 50% for top tech stocks among the "magnificent seven". This signals #BTC's growth toward becoming a more mature and stable asset class.

πŸ‘‰ #Bitcoin's early years saw high volatility (over 200%), common for new assets with rapid growth & limited capital.

πŸ‘‰ #Bitcoin’s recent price action closely mirrors #gold's in its early years, with an initial period of high volatility followed by gradual subsidence as the market matures.

πŸ‘‰ @Fidelity's researcher Zack Wainwright explains: "Bitcoin was nearly half as volatile in 2024 at $60,000 when compared with 2021. When putting this all together, a thesis pointing toward a growing acceptance of Bitcoin due to potential maturation begins to emerge."

@Fidelity πŸ‘‰ So what's next? Historically, the period of lower volatility has come before major price increases. Do you think history will repeat itself?

@Fidelity πŸ‘‰ @BlackRock's Robert Mitchnick predicts institutional giants like sovereign & pension funds will engage with spot #Bitcoin ETFs in the coming months.

Institutional investors prefer lower volatility for more predictable returns that fit their risk management strategies.

@Fidelity @BlackRock With volatility dropping, what do you think will happen to the $BTC price in the coming weeks? πŸ’¬

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