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May 15, 2024, 10 tweets

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Every year on May 15, Palestinians mark the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 by Zionist militias.

From what resources Palestinians can use to where they can travel, we guide you through life under Israeli occupation.


🔹 Land and natural resources

There’s a physical separation between Palestinians living in Gaza and those in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel bars any movement between these areas.



What if getting a permit to build a home is nearly impossible due to your nationality?

Many Palestinians are forced to build homes without permits because Israel refuses to grant them.


🔹Human resources

Israel, with its heavy restrictions on Palestinian movement and resources, has driven Palestinian unemployment rates to the third highest in the world.


🔹Financial resources

Israel collects $188m monthly in taxes on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA) - 64% of its revenue- but often suspends payments, affecting salaries for 150,000 Palestinian employees in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.



Since 1967, Israel's occupation has severed Palestinian trade relations with the Arab world. Palestinian dependency on the Israeli economy means some 80% of its exports go to Israel.



Palestine is also digitally occupied. Israel restricts imports of information and ICT equipment, claiming it has both civilian and military applications.



Israel controls most water resources in the region. Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and Gaza often face restrictions on access and usage.


🔹Cultural heritage

Palestine’s rich cultural heritage is in danger under Israeli occupation. Israel’s war on Gaza has destroyed more than 200 cultural heritage sites, and every university in Gaza.


Daily life in Palestine is constantly restricted under Israeli occupation. Palestinians say Israel’s continuing system of oppression has meant that the Nakba has never really ended ⤵️

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