Kyra Markov Profile picture
Assignment Editor @CTVedmonton my focus is COVID-19, influenza, opioid crisis & crime data. Views expressed are mine and mine alone.

May 17, 13 tweets

The AB gov has released new data which shows that 2023 had the highest number of drug-poisoning deaths on record with 2,051. That's on average, six Albertans fatally overdosing per day and a 17% increase compared to 2022. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

91% involved opioids however 88% involved non-pharmaceutical opioids defined by the government as fentanyl (and analogues), heroin and designer opiates. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

2023 saw a 22% increase in opioid (both pharma and non-pharma) related deaths compared to 2022, making 2023 a record breaking year for the number of opioid-related deaths in Alberta as well. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

The data shows that in 2023 the highest number of drug-poisoning deaths in Alberta was amongst men between the ages of 35-39 followed by men 30-34. 68% of deaths were male, 32% were female. 55 deaths were people 19 years or younger. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton

Data from 1,235 accidental drug-poisoning death autopsies in 2023 showed that 79% involved fentanyl. Methamphetamine was involved in 62% while carfentanil was found in 20%.
#opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton

In 2023, non-pharmaceutical deaths were involved in the vast majority of deaths and saw an increase compared to the year prior. Deaths involving benzodiazepines also went up, while deaths involving all other substances decreased when comparing 2023 & 2022. #opioids #overdose #ab

Of all the drug-poisoning deaths in 2023, 743 (36 per cent) occurred in Edmonton followed by Calgary with 660 (32 per cent) of the deaths. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

Majority of opioid-poisoning deaths occurred at the person's own residence, with the second most likely place being a public location, defined by the government as any non-secure location that is accessible to others. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

The percentage of deaths in public went up significantly between quarter one of 2023 and quarter three, going from 23% to 41% before going down to 36% in quarter four. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

The percentage of deaths in public locations in Edmonton went even higher in Q4 of 2023, going up to 46%. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

SCS and OPS utilization in Edmonton was low in 2023, the only other year lower was 2018. Keep in mind factors like the pandemic, changes in entry requirements, closure of locations, and changes to gov, approach and policy. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

They also released data for the first 2 months of 2024. Jan had 140 drug poisoning deaths, and Feb had 114.
104 of the 254 deaths were in Edmonton and 79 were in Calgary. 93% involved opioids. Here is a YTD comparison. #opioids #overdose #ab #alberta #edmonton #yyc

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