Sarah Phillimore Profile picture
Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens. Family lawyer. Hoarder of Rights. All views my own and protected by Article 10 ECHR.

May 20, 18 tweets

In a truly shocking judgment in the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre para 57 stands out for me - the response to a warm, empathetic email looking for a way forward

“Your email was humiliating, so I feel humiliated. I don’t want to have
any conversations about this with you.”

We have given power to the thin skinned, the narcissistic and the actively dangerous. How many judgements like this will it take to restore sanity? It should not have required ANY.

4102236 - Judgment - 14.05.2024 (redacted).pdf - Google Drive

Para 75 - the point about giving primacy to one minority group inevitably means that others will suffer. Rights ARE a pie.

"There was a staff meeting on 7th July which the claimant attended which was about trans inclusion. There was no space for discussion about getting to the
heart of any of the issues but instead the meeting was essentially based on two questions around “how can we be better at being trans inclusive.” The meeting was very tightly controlled."

Again, para 114, those in charge of disciplinary proceedings did not know of the Forstater case, could not name it. WHO IS ADVISING THESE PEOPLE? Will they ever be held to account?

I would very much like to know who these shadowy ‘advisers’ are

I am now reading the judgment quite literally touching grass as otherwise I don’t think my blood pressure could take it. There is still beauty and sense in this world and thank heavens for robust employment tribunals

There is not enough grass in the world for this. What a reaction to a single sex female space for RAPE VICTIMS

Para 146. This is what the male CEO thinks of women who want single sex female spaces as RAPE VICTIMS

These men are a current and active threat to the rule of law, democracy and the safety of women.

When it suits them: they lie

The most significant issue of all. The failure to call MW to give evidence. These men know exactly what they are doing. They are actively promoting a malign ideology in defiance of the law and they know they cannot survive a moments scrutiny in any arena where they have to do more than simply shriek ‘transphobia’!

The Tribunal’s job is not to determine whether sex realism or gender identity is ‘better’ but it cannot ignore reality. For female victims of male RAPE then sex really does matter

Gender ideologues need to understand what ‘tolerance’ requires

NONSENSE. So good to see this word. We need to embrace it. We need to use it. Enough of being held hostage by domestic terrorists.

EGREGIOUS. HARASSMENT. 2 other excellent words we need to deploy more often.


Lawyers have helped create and sustain this nonsense. You should be ashamed or at the very least persuaded to seek another discipline


Role on the remedy hearing.

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