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Panafricanist from the Kongo province. Educating, mobilizing people around the world to support the Congolese people in struggle. Technologist. Marxist. #TELEMA

May 20, 16 tweets

Attempted Coup in #DRC, a thread

On Sunday, May 19, 2024, in the early hours, a group of armed men led by Congolese politician Christian Malanga made three Facebook Live videos (only one remains on his page) from inside the Palais de la Nation (President's office)


In the first video, Malanga expressed that he and other soldiers are disillusioned with the current state of affairs, citing rampant corruption and the government’s incompetence in handling the war in the East.

He declared his intent to “free the Congo,” involving his son in the operation. He voiced concerns about the conditions of soldiers' children and the Congolese populace at large, emphatically stating, "Felix, you're out... Felix Dégage!"

His movement is named New Zaire, after the DRC's former name before May 17, 1997. The other 2 videos depict Malanga and his group raising the Zaire flag and moving in and out of the Palace, appearing restless. His son and some well-equipped soldiers speaking Lingala are visible.

However,whenever foreign soldiers, particularly Caucasian ones, appear, they seem to avoid the camera or walk away. I noticed 1 with uniform bearing US flag who was distinctly not Malanga’s close associate, Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun (affectionately called Agent Ben by Malanga)

Malanga's operation ultimately failed. He and a few others were killed as they attempted to flee to Congo-Brazzaville via the Congo River. His son, Marcel Malanga, and his business partner and friend, Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun, have been arrested.

Ben was reportedly caught trying to swim across the Congo River to Brazzaville. Malanga was killed in the same area as he tried to escape. Many others have been detained, but the full details of the events remain unclear.

According to the Congolese govt, a group of assailants attacked the residences of the minister of economy Vital Kamhere, the minister of defense Jean Pierre Mbemba, and new Prime Minister Judith Suminwa Tuluka, although no evidence has been provided yet.

The narrative has numerous gaps and ambiguities, and it might be some time before we truly understand who orchestrated this attack. Despite the portrayal of the assailants in the presidential palace as ill-prepared, I strongly suspect that others escaped.

While Malanga voiced the frustrations of many Congolese people, his ties with Ben Reuben Zalman-Polun, his business partner who introduced him to influential figures in Republican circles on Capitol Hill, including members of the House Intelligence Committee, deserve scrutiny.

Ben’s connection to Israel and IDF should also be examined. He may be a dual US/Israeli citizen as he was with Malanga in an IDF training camp in Israel.The identities of the other Caucasian and foreign mercenaries present, and whether they were killed or escaped, remain unknown.

Outstanding questions:

1. Was the DRC president's recent visit to Brazzaville to meet President Sassou Nguesso connected to this incident? Did he have prior knowledge of the coup and share this information with Felix?

2. Who within the Congolese military or political class collaborated with Malanga in this act?

3. What assurances did Malanga have to justify endangering his own son, Marcel?

4. Why target the presidential office at 4 am on a Saturday when it was highly likely that the president would not be there? Was this merely a diversion?

5. Why was Vital Kamhere specifically attacked?

While I do not have all the answers yet, it seems clear that there is more to this story than a mere failed coup against Felix Tshisekedi.

#FreeCongo #DRC #CongoCrisis #ChristianMalanga #NewZaire

Let's not forget that innocent lives were lost as well. Malanga and his group killed Kevin Tamba in Macampagne (neighborhood in Kinshasa) around 4 am, shooting him in the head as they held him at gunpoint and took his car.

#FreeCongo #DRC #CongoCrisis #ChristianMalanga #NewZaire

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