Jeremiah Johnson 🌐 Profile picture
Internet analyst writing at Infinite Scroll. Founder @CNLiberalism. Carly Rae Jepsen stan. Send me the worst tweets on this site.

May 26, 29 tweets

Google's new AI search results are having quite the week. Here's a thread with some of my favorite answers:

"smoking while pregnant"

As long as it's non-toxic

"train eight days a week"

"gay characters in Mario Kart"

Looney Tunes moment

"How many rocks"

A fun suggestion to clean with bleach and vinegar (and no warning that if you combine them you get world war one poison juice)

Common Wisconsin W

More college hallucinations

Google's been reading Trump forums

"how long can I stare at the sun"

Somehow coconut is the funniest part of this

She looks so old for 20

this just seems accurate

If the AI says it...

"Is it ok to leave a dog in a hot car?"


"are Ren and Stimpy in the Bible"

Look it does actually get there in the end

Did not catch this episode

"is bowser gay"

Someone decided to do straightforward calculations via LLM, which is a very good idea with no downsides

Love Michelle Yeoh

Technically not wrong! Also the other ones, but 17 of them were indeed white.

A few of these are probably faked, but the majority I could either replicate or were verified as real

How did I forget this classic

I wrote about how algorithmic feeds, AI slop, disinformation and enshittification are changing the modern internet:…

@donnelly_brent A few might be faked, but I was able to replicate/source most of these pretty easily.

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