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a mind forever voyaging

May 26, 15 tweets


Listen to Harrison Butker's full commencement speech at Benedictine College. The people who are trying to cancel him are lying about what he said. They don't want you to hear this.



A record 485 seniors walked across the stage on Saturday, May 11, during the annual Commencement exercises at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas



Benedictine College Celebrates Largest Graduating Class in History

"Those at the undergraduate ceremony heard a speech from Harrison Butker, best known as the fantastic placekicker for the World Champion Kansas City Chiefs"


Based Harrison Butker

Harrison Butker reacts

backlash he faced following his Catholic commencement address at Benedictine College, making it clear that he is not backing down.

“Not people, but Jesus Christ I’m trying to please”



Harrison Butker breaks silence after viral commencement speech promoting Catholic family values

“Our love for Jesus and, thus, our desire to speak out should never be outweighed by the longing…to be loved by the world.”



In first public remarks since his commencement speech sparked a liberal meltdown, Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker makes very clear he’s not backing down from his faith.



Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker Breaks Silence, Says He Will Continue To Be ‘Unapologetic’ Catholic

Butker: 'Never be afraid to speak out for truth, even when it goes against the loudest voices'


Benedictine Nuns Release Scathing Statement Slamming Harrison Butker's Bigoted Graduation Speech



The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica, a 'founding institution and sponsor' of Benedictine College, released a pointed statement criticizing the Kansas City Chiefs kicker after his commencement speech 'fostered division.'


They are currently NOT associated in any way with Benedictine College.

They do not speak on behalf of the founders of Benedictine.



This is rich coming from a group of nuns who refuse to wear habits but like to play dress-up as Catholic priests.



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