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Ensuring accessible and cleaner air for the Chicago arts scene. We provide air purifiers for artists and touring musicians, free of charge.

May 27, 8 tweets

🧪Here's an updated roundup of highly reliable, easy-to-use molecular covid tests on the market today!

Accuracy stats, cost per test, and citations throughout. 🧵

🏆 Coming in at #1, we have the Pluslife Minidock!

This one has an amazing 98.3% test sensitivity -- meaning if it shows a negative result, you can rely pretty heavily on that.

Read more here:


🥈 At a close 2nd place, the Metrix molecular test has an impressive 96.7% test sensitivity and a much cheaper startup cost (though this is negated over time by the more expensive tests). Also a really good system to get.


🥉 In third place we have the 3EO system. In my opinion, the only reason to get this one is if you don't have access to Pluslife or Metrix. 🤷‍♀️

It's still good, but it's outperformed on both cost and test sensitivity by Metrix.


☁️ Honorable mention: Lucira combined Covid & Flu test.

The sensitivity isn't great (only 88.7%). However, it still FAR outperforms rapid antigen tests (like what's at Walgreens) & it's a self-contained, single-use test. There may be some situations where that's desirable.

For context: The rapid covid tests at pharmacies today are VERY bad at ruling out covid (their negative reliability hovers around 25%)😫

By contrast, these molecular tests produce negative results that are over 95% reliable! 😀

I hope you're able to improve the reliability of your at-home covid testing 💙

And if you can afford one of these, that means you can afford two of these. Buy an extra system and give it to someone who can't.

For more context on what rapid antigen tests are still good for, see here:

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