Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 Profile picture
J6 conspiracy theorist, insurrection denier. Former food blogger. Real Clear https://t.co/R50N6uQkSf

May 27, 5 tweets

NEW: Donald Trump just filed a response to Jack Smith's holiday weekend motion to modify release conditions to prohibit the former president from making statements about law enforcement involved in classified documents case:

I can tell you as someone who has covered these proceedings diligently including attending court hearings, Cannon will not take lightly Smith's failure to confer with defense in any meaningful way before posting the motion.

Trump motion on left, Smith's footnote on right:

My followers already know this because after Smith filed his motion, I noted how many times Judge Cannon has scolded prosecutors for making vague claims about witness safety in their requests to seal evidence.

Which is why my first reaction to Smith's motion is that DOJ just opened a can of worms.

Sorry for all the "click bait" analysis!

My guess is Judge Cannon spent most of the weekend preparing how to respond to Smith's motion, which may include a hearing on the substance of the allegations.

Recall how Cannon told Smith's team last week she was "disappointed" in DOJ's selective use of redactions related to witness safety. They want it both ways--Cannon undoubtedly is again prepared to expose Smith's dirty tricks and double dealing.

I mean, how dumb for Smith to file another motion when Cannon just scolded DOJ for inappropriate conduct less than 10 days ago.

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