Sisu van Hellberta Profile picture
Dances with fire & spells for hire. Anti-hate researcher, freelance writer & 🔥performer. She/they. 🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇦

Jun 2, 16 tweets

It's been over 2 months since the "axe the tax" protests started. But before they started camps in Alberta. Ron Clark & Tyson "George" Billings helped start the convoy camp in Casselman, Ontario. Today one of the property owners posted about the huge mess they left. #convoywatch

It truly does look disgusting. This is the full aftermath of a convoy camp on private land.

Besides leaving a mess that's been taking WEEKS to clean, I've posted before that the convoyers also ran up a huge hydro bill for the property owners. Has that been paid off? Of course not. There's still $3000 owing. How exactly is that "helping Canadians afford their bills"?

Normann, who was a key figure in the camp from the beginning and made big promises when it was moved to private property. also still owes other people money. #grifted

500 lbs of donated potatoes meant to fuel the freedom movement were largely left to rot. If that isn't some kind of metaphor I don't know what is.

Some suspect Normann used money donated to pay the hydro bill to buy himself a truck instead.

Meanwhile in Alberta, convoyer Phil Primeau is outright asking people for $$ to fix his broken Ford F150. In the GoFundMe writeup, he admits his social media history is preventing him from getting any work. Unhinged conspiracy theories & hate don't appeal to employers? Who knew.

Meanwhile, Phil's buddy Chris Scott from the public health defying Whistle Stop Cafe in Alberta had people donate to him so he could buy the cafe. But he said in April he doesn't owe the people who donated their money anything, bec they didn't buy his principles. His legal bills were also covered.

The donations to cover buying the cafe didn't take care of Chris Scott's property taxes though. He almost lost the place in a tax sale - but once again talked someone else into paying $10,700 to save it. He says his "advocacy" has eaten up all his equity & resources.

In his most recent live, Chris Scott says he's found someone willing to buy his house and rent it back to him so he can still live there. Of course he blames the government. A reminder this same man recently travelled to Europe.

Ron and George are both working. George is trucking again and Ron's spent a couple of days tearing down someone's deck. But Ron is still giving his following terrible advice. He says people should just not tell the govt their income, & black out their info when filing taxes.

I checked in on the protestors at the camp where Pierre Poilievre infamously stopped by, and they were told by DOT this weekend to make sure their flags weren't flying over the shoulder line. But DOT didn't notice they're building a platform to stand on next to traffic.

Meanwhile the grift never stops. James Sowery is selling his latest hoodies and he clearly learned nothing from his conviction for dangerous driving - a conviction he's currently appealing using everyone else's $$.

Cosmin meanwhile continues his downward spiral. Here he is harassing police for TikTok likes. Police sound so done with him. However I'm not going to post the 7 min long vid of him being stopped by police while driving because you can hear his child in the background repeating his awful words.

THESE are the people so beloved by the UCP govt & Poilievre's Cons that they get to camp indefinitely for free & hold unpermitted, uninsured events at rest stops & borders. Homeless? Get lost. Students? Shut up. Indigenous? Court injunction. Ditch-based con artists? Well:

The Lloydminster carbon tax camp has folded. Miranda doesn't want to be the lone person trying to keep it going. She says it's done. #convoywatch #carbontaxcamp

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