Michael B Profile picture
1/2 Asian 2nd-gen US. 1970s Hawaii. NYU 1976. Married GF from Japan@22. Radha-Krsna. ⚤. Waves.🏕.♍️🌞, ♋️🌓, ♏️Asc, ♀☌ ♆ in ♏️ 12th. DPRK🎸& 💃. 🇺🇸☮️🇰🇵47=45

Jun 3, 7 tweets

To the liberals and Democrats inflicted with Biden dementia, reexamine Trump’s accomplishments |
Trump Administration Accomplishments
Unprecedented Economic Boom
Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy.

and on and on. Anyone who derides/demeans/disparages Trump’s presidential record of accomplishments and/or says Trump is “dumb” is not only terribly “dumb” but is an anti-American pro-Democrat partisan who has no idea of what’s in America’s best national interest.

@threadreaderapp compile

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