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Rambo And Frens podcast RamboAndFrens on Rumble,, Telegram, and YT.

Jun 7, 7 tweets

Holy crap.. FOLLOW THE THREAD. 🔥 part 1 of 2

Notice Trump referring to moving "the gangs" everywhere.

Tucker Carlson interviews MS13

Katie Hobbs is publicly under investigation. (Sunshine Residential Homes)

Trump mentions Phoenix and his yellow tie bc it represents the sun.... 👀

Not to mention he says.. About Joe,
"I don't think it's him"

H/T @FriendsFeisty

Part 2 of 2

It has become abundantly clear that Trump was referring specifically to the Katie Hobbs investigation. 🤯🤯

It's all coming together frens.


They have been hinting the whole time.....

Could all of the messaging be a coincidence?

Only Anons can fully appreciate the continued 'validation(s)/confirmation(s) thru covert' (series of mathematically impossible coincidences) means in order to maintain structural integrity.
[Wheels up]


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