Byzarchi☦︎ec☦︎ Profile picture
Byzantine Architecture Fanatic. Sober Husband, Father and Architect. Student of the Cappadocian Fathers. ICXC NIKA. #OrthodoxChurch circa 33AD ☧ ☦️☦︎

Jun 7, 6 tweets

Vladimir Lossky's chapter on Original Sin in 'Orthodox Theology,' does a great job of explaining the Orthodox position. Namely, how our doctrine is tied into correct Christology. We do not accept the Latin view because they reject the distinction between essence & energy. 🧵

Correct Christology leads naturally into why there is only a Divine person in Jesus Christ. He has two unique natures, of course, but there is only one divine subject.

Correct Christology helps us battle the errors of Monothelites, Monoenergism, etc...

Correct Christology explains the two wills in Christ and sheds light on our own will as man. All this informs our doctrine of the fall of man.

Correct Christology then helps explain redemption in Orthodox theology. All this shows why we don't share our theology with the Reformed, Calvinists or Rome.

Lossky dos well to explain why there is legal language in Soteriology, but correct Christology removes any need for us as Orthodox Christians to include other heretical beliefs like Calvinist atonement theories.

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