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Geo-Politics | political analysis | Alternative news agency | 🔻Documenting the ongoing Israeli-West backed war on Gaza

Jun 8, 8 tweets

What happened in Al-Nuseirat?

- An American force used an aid truck. The aid truck came from the American pier to Al-Nuseirat camp... (video and photo of truck)

- A clash erupted with the American force once it was discovered.

- Airstrikes were conducted on the Al-Nuseirat market, which was full of civilians, to create a path for the “rescue vehicle.”
This resulted in the massacre of over 150 civilians who were at the market.

- The force headed back to where it came from, the American pier, while the warplanes bombed everything in its path.

- The civilians in the nearby market of Al-Nuseirat started leaving the market once the clashes started.

The first airstrike on the Al-Nuseirat market was conducted to create a path for the truck.

The result:

over 250 of the market goers mostly children were killed.

And 4 European soldier settlers were rescued.

It’s over 250 civilians killed now. Not just 150 as on the first post.

Another Israeli Duvdevan force was involved, using a vehicle that looked like one for displaced persons and wearing Palestinian civilian clothes.

More footage of market goes.

The location where the American and Israeli operation took place.

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