Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jun 9, 8 tweets


Evidence suggests the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office sought testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson in their case against President Trump.



House Republicans Demand Comms Between Cassidy Hutchinson, Fani Willis’ Office For J6 Investigation


Chairman Loudermilk Calls on Fulton County DA Fani Willis to Disclose Communications with Cassidy Hutchinson


Letter to Fani Willis, District Attorney
Fulton County, Georgia…

Rep. Loudermilk is investigating collusion between the J6 Committee, Fani Willis, and Cassidy Hutchinson __ after reports revealed communications between their offices as they coordinated their efforts to get Trump.



The video in the previous post is on YouTube at

Fani and Cassidy COLLUDED to GET TRUMP!

Rep. Loudermilk is investigating collusion between the J6 Committee, Fani Willis, and Cassidy Hutchinson.


Just as House GOP uncovers malfeasance and straight up criminality of the J6 committee, federal judges in DC continue to pretend it was a legit congressional authority.



House Republicans Demand Comms Between Cassidy Hutchinson, Fani Willis’ Office For J6 Investigation

[Henry Rodgers Chief National Correspondent
wrote the Daily Caller article and other articles in the thread]



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