Empower Oversight Profile picture
Accountability and public integrity through the power of information. https://t.co/IPOlF1vY0l Tristan Leavitt, President @tristanleavitt

Jun 11, 6 tweets

🚨Empower Oversight President @tristanleavitt discloses evidence of @FBI Security Division abusing clearance reviews to probe whether FBI employees had ever:
- Expressed support for President Trump, or
- Expressed opposition to the COVID-19 vaccine.


Those questions are completely irrelevant to a legitimate security determination and suggest something more like a political purge.

The @FBI should scrutinize security clearance holders who advocate violence or commit crimes to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

But it should not abuse that process to force employees to turn in their co-workers for expressing constitutionally protected opinions.

Here is one of the interview outlines the FBI Security Division used to question our client's co-workers about his political opinions:

This page shows that the FBI Security Division interrogated our client's co-workers about his views on the COVID-19 vaccine.

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