Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jun 12, 7 tweets


Hunter Biden is found guilty on 3 shiny object criminal charges, providing a key distraction for the media who refuse to acknowledge the true criminality of the Biden Crime Family.



Hunter finally found a group of people who were unwilling to see him as immune from responsibility for his conduct. Hunter literally came up a donut short of a defense in Wilmington.



Hunter Comes Up A Donut Short of a Defense in Delaware

Jonathan Turley is an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School.


A major prong of Hunter's prosecution were the docs from his laptop: the one NY Post used to report on the Bidens' sketchy deals in Ukraine and China.

Thus, the jury accepted their obvious authenticity.



FBI just admitted __ that Hunter Biden's laptop is real

Here are 20 minutes of Joe Biden, U.S. intelligence officials, and the American media claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation."



Hunter’s peers found him guilty x3. For the first time in his life, Hunter Biden faced the music.



Vivek Ramaswamy: The Hunter Biden Conviction Is a ‘FARCE’


Because “The purpose of this is in the public eye is to actually legitimize the Trump conviction.”



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