Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jun 12, 15 tweets


Biden insists he’s not involved in his family’s business dealings. But his aides are a different story.

The overlapping roles are under scrutiny as the president distances himself from his family’s dealings.……

Joe Biden is supposedly the "Big Guy."

He often gets others to do the dirty work.

[the screenshot is from the article above]


Matthew Colangelo is standing behind Alvin Bragg at the announcement of the conviction of Donald Trump.


Chairman Jordan Demands Documents about Bragg Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo from Letitia James

Matthew Colangelo,__ is a lead attorney in the political prosecution of President Trump with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg


District Attorney Bragg Announces Matthew Colangelo as New Senior Counsel


Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo will appear before Congress July 12


𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐠 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧:

-We’ve secured public testimony from Bragg and Colangelo.

-Hearing this Thursday to examine the flaws of the case.



Ready to testify at Congress on the Left’s radical weaponization of government against President Trump.

Tomorrow at 9 AM CT.



Bragg, Colangelo to testify at House Judiciary Committee hearing one day after Trump sentencing

Trump's sentencing hearing is set for July 11 after a jury found him guilty on all counts


It looks like July 12 is now June 13.

What will happen tomorrow?


We are so cooked


Matthew Colangelo, who helped orchestrate Bragg’s political prosecution of Trump, donated several times to Bragg's DA campaign.



Matthew Colangelo __ donated several times to Bragg's DA campaign.

We filed a complaint with the FEC against Bragg and Biden’s Campaign for illegal coordination under the Federal Election Campaign Act



We filed a complaint with the FEC against Bragg and the Biden Campaign for illegal coordination under the Federal Election Campaign Act.



“Nobody leaves being the number three at the DOJ to go work at a district attorneys office.”



Oh yeah, about the article in posts 1 and 2. You can read it for yourself. I got sidetracked.

A little background on a person that is not in the article.

Maybe he got homesick. It is after all New York.


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