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Luma's mission is to build multimodal AI to expand human imagination and capabilities. Try Dream Machine →

Jun 12, 9 tweets

Introducing Dream Machine - a next generation video model for creating high quality, realistic shots from text instructions and images using AI. It’s available to everyone today! Try for free here #LumaDreamMachine

Next level text to video!

Powerful image to video!

Realistic camera movements that blur the boundaries of reality 🎥: @Next_On_NOw

Incredible, realistic camera work🎥: @Next_On_NOw

As well as cinematic motion!🎥: @tommyoshima

And experiment with any style imaginable 🎥: Steve Schütz - IG: radstream

Unleash your inner monster maker 🎥: Monster Camp by @monster_library

Tell incredible stories… 🎥: “Break The Tie” by @ai_mov_director

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