Baalbuddy (Commissions closed) Profile picture
Manga artist for hire, draws lewd Elves and dabbing Orcs. Patreon members get requests drawn for $4 per month:

Jun 14, 11 tweets

My Dark Elf Step Sister Won't Leave Me Alone
(Chapter 1) Pages 1 - 4 / 39
Fully dubbed:

Pages 5 - 8 / 39

Pages 9 - 12

Pages 13 - 16

Pages 17 - 20

Pages 21 - 24

Pages 25 - 28

Pages 29 - 32

Pages 33 - 36

Pages 37 - 39

I am currently working on Chapter 2. For those of you who wondered where I was these past months, drawing manga is super grindy! So if you find this story interesting, please throw me some support so I can focus on completing it. Thanks.

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