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Jun 15, 44 tweets

All Things 'Ricardo BOFILL' & Related. 👀💥💊💊

1. Projects :
La Muralla Roja
Walden 7
La Fábrica
Le Perthus Pyramid
Les Espaces d'Abraxas
Antigone district in Montpellier
Barcelona Airport
77 West Wacker Drive (Chicago)
W Barcelona Hotel
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

2. Ricardo Bofill Leví (5 December 1939 – 14 January 2022) was a Spanish architect from Barcelona, Spain. He founded Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura in 1963 and developed it into a leading international architectural and urban design practice.

3. ' According to architectural historian Andrew Ayers, his creations rank "among the most impressive buildings of the 20th century." '



6. Les Espaces d’Abraxas by Ricardo Bofill.

Brutalism non plus ultra.

7. Tour- Ricardo Bofill's monumental postmodern housing complex near Paris.…

8. Inside France's Most Unusual Housing Project built on the outskirts of Paris between 1978 and 1983.


10. Ricardo Bofill, Architect of Otherworldly Buildings was said to have died at 82...due to 'complications from Covid-19'.

11. His structures were so bold, they were the backdrops for TV shows and films, including “Westworld” and a “Hunger Games” movie.

12. In October 2021, he was named in the Pandora Papers..




17. Precast concrete panels..


Walden 7, Barcelona by Ricardo Bofill.

19. Several people were injured or killed due to exterior tiles falling off and killing them as passers by.
'red ceramic tiles backed with the wrong adhesive.'



22. El Castillo de Kafka, Saint Pere de Ribes, Barcelona.

23. La Muralla Roja. The Red Wall. Ricardo Bofill liked 'RED' cement a lot. What made the cement go red? 🤔


25. Ricardo Bofill - Les Temples du Lac - The Temples of the Lake - mirror lake as above so below. Temples to what? 🤔

26. Ricardo Bofill - Zaragoza train station.


29. Ricardo Bofill met Italian actress Serena Vergano in 1962. Their son Ricardo Emilio Bofill was born in 1965. Bofill and French visual artist Annabelle d'Huart had another son, Pablo Bofill, born in 1980.

31. Schoolgirl - 37 yr old architect...

33. Serena Vergano - La studentessa.

35. 'Serena was restless. But happy because everyone congratulated him. In his monologue he made it clear that his great vital change occurred in 1962 when he arrived in Spain to shoot the film ‘ Count Sandorf ’ with the gallant Paco Rabal...'

'..The actor was always surrounded by artists, bohemians and intellectuals such as Alberti, Picasso, Buñuel, Dominguín or Bofill.'

'When Serena attended one of her meetings, she was immediately captivated by the handsome architect. They were married and in 1965 their only son was born, the media Ricardo Bofill Jr. However, the marriage cracked after her husband's infidelity with..

model Loulou de la Falaise, muse of Yves Saint Laurent.'

End Part One/
Thankyou for Reading 😎

Research by @NinaBrooke8 and David Howey.

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