Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jun 16, 17 tweets


President Biden appears to start wandering off at the G7 summit and has to be handled back in.






Italy's Giorgia Meloni has to grab Biden, 81, as he wanders off from a photo opportunity at the G7.



Come back for the photo, Joe! Moment Italy's Giorgia Meloni has to grab Biden, 81, after he wandered away from group at parachute display…

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away

Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away.


At the G-7 summit held in Italy, Italian Prime Minister Meloni corrected US President Biden's wrong moves;
If Biden is re-elected as President of the USA, others will rule him, and Biden will appear to rule the USA!



So at the end of the meeting between those who govern the West, while the world falls apart, what remains? Biden looking for Nemo, Giorgia's selfies #Meloni , #Scholz 's birthday and Bruno Vespa's wine.



Biden a Bumbling Mess at G7 Summit in Italy…

Tune in as I hold a joint press conference with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine.

4:28 Wait till it goes over
4:44 Micheal ?? Electronics
5:20 Let me closer this
6:30 My friend from Ukraine President (fading out)


A Biden Spokesperson Did Not Just Say *That* to Explain Joe's Wandering Off at G7 Summit

it’s misinformation or a deep fake


Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod tries to spin the viral video of Biden wandering aimlessly across Italy as "disinformation" — and demands "social media platforms" censor it.



We've seen that look before



Including Mediaite and Hearst, that's SIX major outlets (and Community Notes) who have debunked the nypost

How's this for a headline?
NY Post To The Truth: Drop Dead!



‘They Just Lie’: White House Blasts ‘Murdoch Outlets’ Like Fox and NY Post Over Misleading Biden Video


Fact check of the Liar in Chief, the nypost: “Pernicious couple of examples of manipulated videointended to create a false narrative __ The RNC & its avid followers in the conservative media earn 4 Pinocchios.”



According to MSNBC, Trump is not well and not fit to speak on a stage, and Biden is doing great.

And we're the ones spreading 'misinformation'? 🤣



Good morning from Morning Joe and Mika 🤣



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