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hill reporter and oil painter 🇨🇱🇺🇸

Jun 18, 11 tweets

NEW. Someone, presumably a staffer, left a folder full of briefing documents on TED CRUZ donors in the Senate Refectory.


According to the documents, Senator Cruz will dine at the Capitol Grille tonight at 730PM with 8 donors who've pledged $19,500 but paid $0.

Here's the roster, complete with bios, on FUNDRAISING, INC letterhead —

TOMORROW, Cruz is apparently headed to NEW YORK CITY where he'll dine at @Cipriani from noon to 1:30pm ET with @lauder_ronald.

Here's the briefing doc —

@Cipriani @lauder_ronald After lunch with @lauder_ronald, Cruz will head to @KnickerbockerBG in Greenwich Village to meet with @SonomaLoebWines from 2 to 3pm ET.

Here is the briefing doc —

@Cipriani @lauder_ronald @KnickerbockerBG @SonomaLoebWines After meeting with @SonomaLoebWines, Cruz will head to @novogratz's residence at 3:30pm ET.

Novogratz apparently supported @HillaryClinton in 2016.

Here's the briefing doc —

@Cipriani @lauder_ronald @KnickerbockerBG @SonomaLoebWines @novogratz @HillaryClinton After an hour at @novogratz's residence, Cruz heads to @ShankenNews' NYC office at 5pm ET, presumably for some wine and spirits(?).

Here's the briefing doc —

After a 75 minute meeting with @ShankenNews, Cruz will return to the @KnickerbockerBG for dinner with Dr. Jay Reibel, founder of @PHCUnity.

Reibel will get two full hours and an $11,600 ask.

Here's the briefing doc —

@ShankenNews @KnickerbockerBG @PHCUnity 🚨TOMORROW AM —

Cruz to meet with @LenBlav handler Peter L. Thoren at his NYC office. The ask is $59,600.

Here's the briefing doc—

@ShankenNews @KnickerbockerBG @PHCUnity @LenBlav That concludes the document dump.

If you or someone you know has additional briefing docs for Cruz or any other dot gov, send em my way!


@ShankenNews @KnickerbockerBG @PHCUnity @LenBlav If you appreciate this work, consider giving my newsletter on Congress a subscribe. Its readers like you who keep us afloat dor $8/mo or $80/year.

@ShankenNews @KnickerbockerBG @PHCUnity @LenBlav Or Cash App / Venmo!

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