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Investor | Founder, @KatalystWealth | SEBI Registered Research Analyst (Reg. No. INH100001690)

Jun 19, 11 tweets

There are quite a few listed Basmati Rice cos. - LT Foods, KRBL, CLSE

Past 2 years have been excellent for basmati rice exporters, with GOI decisions helping them achieve good realizations

Basmati exports were at all time high in FY 24...some details on Basmati rice 🧵


Paddy, mainly a Kharif crop in India, requires ample water and is typically sown before the monsoon

# Kharif Crops-sowing time (June-July)
Harvesting time (Nov-Dec)

# Rabi Crops- owing time (June-July)
Harvesting time (Nov-Dec)


Indian rice is categorized into Basmati and Non-Basmati rice

Basmati rice refers to a unique long-grain species of aromatic rice, which is mostly available in brown or white varieties

It originates from the Indian subcontinent, mainly in India and Pakistan


Rice Milling involved several processes such as

a) Pre-Cleaning
b) De-stoning
c) Parboiling
d) Husking
e) Husk Aspiration
f) Paddy Separation
g) Whitening
h) Polishing
i) Length wise grading
j) Blending
k) Weight & Packaging


Kharif season is the main rice growing season in India, and accounts for about 84% of the country's total rice production

Over the past decades, the trend in rice production in India has shown a consistent increase in both Kharif and Rabi seasons, with a few fluctuations


Minimum Support Price for Rice:

MSP, set by GOI, ensures farmers receive a guaranteed price for their rice, protecting them from price fluctuations during surplus production years

Over the past decade, MSPs for both Paddy-Common and Paddy-Grade A have consistently risen


Indian basmati rice market in India reached around ₹ 485 Bn/ ₹ 48,510 Crores, and it is predicted that the revenue will cross the mark of ₹ 500 Bn/₹ 50,000 Crores by the end of 2030

Around ~90% of the basmati rice production in the world is contributed from India


India annually exports more than 4 million tons of basmati to Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, UAE and USA

Europe is another big market for the rice


Key Trends & Opportunities for Basmati Rice Export from India:

India is the #1 Exporter of rice

1) Export Leader
2) Demand from Middle East
3) Growth of Ethnic Cuisine across the globe & Indian Biryani getting popular
4) Excellent Quality Standards


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