Mansi Profile picture

Jun 19, 9 tweets

1/ The aggregator wars!

Just finished dashboard comparing the bridge aggregators built by @SocketProtocol and @lifiprotocol

🟡 @BungeeExchange
🟣 @JumperExchange

Even by taking a smaller time frame (-8 months) for bungee (only V2), its bridging volume seems 2x that of Jumper.

2/ Socket seems to have captured more degen traction in terms of tx volume by looking at the vol to tx ratio.

3/ Another reason for this stark difference seems to be @base

For a major part of this year, bridging from Base (as origin) has consistently captured around 20% of socket volume share.

4/ Let's talk about bridges bridges bridges

Top bridge for both the aggregators seems to be @AcrossProtocol, safe to say it captures 25% in total across both.

Which is 2x that of Stargate by volume.

Top bridges for Socket

@HopProtocol (yes, even its still alive, came as a surprise)
@circle CCTP (huge volumes again)

6/ Top bridges for LiFi

@CelerNetwork cBridge
@CelerNetwork routed via @circle ‘s CCTP

7/ Recently came across LiFi announcements about integrating more chains.

I would love to add them to my dashboard once the contracts are added to Dune. Happy to assist in the same…

At times where people are fighting for market share, up next will be a deep dive into Across and Stargate - and how these bridge aggregators stack against them.

Stay tuned!

Here is the link to my dashboard:-

Looking forward to any feedback from the…

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