If you've been on Twitter in recent days, I think you may have noticed a global trend of tweets with the caption "I hated Russians way before it was cool".
That's why I decided to make a thread with some facts about why people hate Russians and Russia.
Read Below
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
The first and second Russian-Chechen Wars
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
Russian-Georgian War
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
Transnistria War | The war between Russia and Moldova
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
January events in Vilnius or the assault on the Vilnius TV tower
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
The Winter War. War between the Soviet Union (Russia) and Finland
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
Invasion of Czechoslovakia
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 tragedy.
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
Russia actively supports Taliban
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"Why do so many people hate Russians?"
The Wagner Group, also known as the African Corps in Africa, has been conducting military operations in various countries on the African continent since 2017, and is a de facto unit of the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD)
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These are, of course, not all the reasons for hatred of Russians, because their number is beyond all limits
Russian imperialism harms the whole world
Russia Should Collapse
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