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a mind forever voyaging

Jun 21, 20 tweets


I am ready to suffer personal attacks provided that Israel receives from the US the ammunition it needs in the war for its existence.



Netanyahu responds to the White House: I am ready to suffer personal attacks provided that Israel receives from the US the ammunition it needs in its war for its existence



Give us the tools and we'll finish the job.



Outraged White House cancels high-level meeting with Israel after Netanyahu scolds US over weapons: ‘Fuming’ [19JUN24]


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Response to the White House:

"I am willing to absorb personal attacks if that is what it takes for Israel to get the arms andammunition it needs in its war for survival."



U.S. delays F-15 fighter jet sale to Israel amid arms hold-up - report [19JUN24]

The $18 billion sale, which received backing after top Democrats lifted their objections last month, is yet to be formally notified to Congress by the State Department


Instead of supporting Israel, Joe Biden is playing politics by withholding necessary weapons from the Israeli military.



Biden Stopped Fast Tracking US Arms to Israel Following Pressure from Anti-Israel Democrats, GOP Senator Says

'[Biden's] administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel,' Cotton says


The Biden administration must provide a complete list of the weapons Israel has requested and an explanation for why they have not been fast-tracked.



Cotton: Biden Administration is Delaying Arms Shipments to Israel to Undermine Our Ally [20JUN24]


Netanyahu trying to defend his country in the middle of a terrible war and he has to put up with this crap from Biden, Blinken and their media mouthpieces. Awful.



Netanyahu: ‘Ready to suffer personal attacks if Israel gets the ammo it needs from US’


The Biden administration is the most anti-Israel in history and Barbara Leaf, Biden’s Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, has overseen the administration’s radical anti-Israel and pro-Iran agenda.


Confused about Biden’s Israel weapons policy? Here’s what you should know. [15MAY24]

What’s on hold, what’s in review and what’s still flowing.


Biden’s Italian Strike [20JUN24]

The ongoing U.S. policy of slow-walking munitions deliveries to Israel isn’t about Rafah


"The purpose of the Italian strike is to force the Israelis into dependence on the United States, to deny them the ability to make long-term plans-namely plans regarding Hezbollah and Iran."


The beauty of the Italian strike is that it offers its leaders plausible deniability.

הבית הלבן נגד נתניהו: "סרטון תמוה, בלשון המעטה". רה"מ: "מוכן להתקפות אישיות"

Original Hebrew

English Translation……

Scoop: White House cancels meeting, scolds Netanyahu in protest over video


Netanyahu: US arms critical to defeating Hamas, deter Hezbollah

“It’s crucial for our common war aims to defeat Hamas and to prevent an escalation in Lebanon to a full-fledged war to have this supply” of arms, Netanyahu said.


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