Graham Pringle - The EMU Files Profile picture
Advisor, trainer and researcher concentrating on complex trauma informed practice. Coercive and human rights reducing practices are BAD.

Jun 21, 11 tweets

GATE 2024

Sorlandet hospital (Norway)
Gunnar, Andreas, and Vetla

Nature based therapy with neuro divergent boys and their fathers

Program started 2014

The key events leading to the development of the program

Why programs for neuro divergent boys are needed

60% of boys who drop out of school in Norway are neuro divergent!

Why fathers are included

Why natural environments are suitable

The program outline, with Andreas's hands in the frame

Gunnar talked about the importance of "ecological validity" for the experience

He means that the learning is directly related to the specific experience

This is a term for me to investigate

The follow on process

Lots of reflection, sorry

Lessons learned

@UnrollHelper please bring this together

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