Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jun 21, 11 tweets


plans to target Trump supports as domestic extremists

“most of the domestic terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president.”

#DeepStateDiaries PART 2



New Docs from Disbanded DHS Deep State Group Reveal the Biden Admin Views Trump Supporters as “Domestic Terrorism Threats”


We obtained internal intel docs as a result of our successful lawsuit against DHS. They reveal a shocking Biden plan to mobilize government power against Trump supporters ahead of the election.



“Today’s domestic extremists seem to attract attention in proportion to their support for former president Donald Trump rather than their tactical severity. The political double-standard has become undeniable.”



Target: Trumpists [27JUL21]


Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election Nears [04OCT23]


From the president down, the Biden administration has presented Trump and MAGA as an existential threat to American democracy and talked up the risk of domestic terrorism and violence associated with the 2024 election campaign.


We’re approaching the first presidential election since the January 6 insurrection.

We know who Donald Trump is.

The question we have to answer is: Who are we? That’s what’s at stake.



I'm not interested in playing politics with the border or immigration like Trump does.

I’m interested in fixing it.



I’ll be damned if I let Donald Trump drag America down to his level.



Check out #DeepStateDiaries PART 1 at…

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