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Jun 24, 26 tweets

🧵@FBI informant CHS Steve Robeson, in @GovWhitmer FEDnapping hoax

Felon, child molester; FBI paid him $20K

🎧Robeson learns right away in his debrief that @FBI lied to him - his real name, not code name “Pacific” WILL be used by DOJ & disclosed to defense


@FBI Agents Impola & Chambers debrief @GovWhitmer FEDnapping hoax CHS Steve Robeson, knowing full well the felon committed crimes WHILE an FBI CHS on case

Listen as they play friend/good cop, laying out testimony options - no intent using him, in fact, this is a coercion session

@FBI @GovWhitmer @FBI agents Impola & Chambers walk CHS Steve Robeson through testifying option #3 - defense calls him as a witness - biggest problem scenario that requires “gamesmanship”

Robeson has no clue that FBI is slow walking him into talking of his criminal actions, will put squeeze on

@FBI Agent Impola describes to CHS Robeson that he COULD have been arrested (to help look less suspicious to militia) but wasn’t… also,

“We can cloud the water, we can send everybody (defense) into disarray & chaos, where the last thing they’re worried about is Steve Robeson”

@FBI @FBI Impola begins to walk CHS Steve Robeson through paperwork - NDAs & agreements not to lie to FBI; standard

“You could call that the @GenFlynn one!”

Explains lies of commission:omission

“AUSAs don’t want some bombshell coming out on the [witness] stand they’re not aware of”

@FBI @GenFlynn FBI explains to @GovWhitmer CHS Steve Robeson that DOJ needs to know his criminal history & any ongoing activity

@FBI Impola: “If you’re option 2, a prosecution witness, that can help protect you… if you’re options 3, a defense witness, then we’re going to use that against you”

🚨@FBI Agent Impola ADMITS to CHS Robeson: “We saw FB msgs where you & Croft were talking & then YOU’RE kind of putting GOVERNORS out there… We’re going to have to overcome…somebody reads the conversation…& defense strategy is, this is Robey’s idea from day 1”

Agent Impola calls defense lawyers “Paid liars… they’re paid to take the truth & portray it in a different sense”

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @FBI Agent Impola to CHS Steve Robeson: “I know there’s some criminal history?”

“There’s a lot of criminal history; I was a criminal for 20 years. I was an [biker] outlaw for a min. Nothing to do with illegal activity since 2007”

He skipped over describing his child sex crimes

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @FBI lies on CHS Robeson’s concerns he’ll be outed:

C: “We took a lot of time & effort in writing [charging] docs that go public to make sure you were separate. We’re not selling you out”

I: “A saying we have in my office is ‘Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story’”

@FBI’s Impola says defense team will have all discovery, much under seal (not public) but witnesses can ‘out’ CHS Robeson

FBI Chambers: “If he [witness] tells the world, we [FBI/AUSA] can bring down the hammer!”

FBI Impola on 100s hrs of audio: “Gonna have to look exceptionally hard to figure stuff out… just to listen to recordings=2 months. How things come out, best chance is to create utter confusion & chaos”

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @GovWhitmer CHS Steve Robeson realizes that FBI Agents Chambers & Impola are now COERCING him

Worried about getting a lawyer; agreed to have cell phone downloaded; FBI searching his house? “Not okay with backdoor FBI maneuvers”

Impola: “Is Robey going to shut down entire case?”

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @FBI CHS Steve Robeson, convicted felon, tells Agents that he had waivers to handle firearms during case

Pressed, he admits .50 cal gun in house! Says it’s wife’s, legal, but Agents smack him down - had access

Note: Steve ends up arrested for .50 cal & dropped as DOJ witness

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @FBI Agent Impola confronts CHS Robeson about gun violations:

“Perception around Bureau is you’ve been careless, & you’ve exploited it [waivers]!”

“We’re speaking from a position of power! We have leverage.”

Steve told other CHSes he was going to be leader of attack planning!

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer

@FBI Agent Impola presses CHS Robeson on defendant Higgins’ dash cam & claim he can hack @GovWhitmer’s schedule; Robeson suggested Higgins say his acts related to going after pedophiles

Impola reveals FBI was on phone with Whitmer’s security real time - she’s never in danger

Higgins pleads guilty, early in case - having never fought for time for discovery

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @FBI Agent addresses another witness pressure point with @GovWhitmer CHS Steve Robeson:

He witnesses/is in presence an alleged illegal firearm… and he doesn’t immediately report it to his FBI handlers

“There’s a perception problem there too!”

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @FBI Agent Impola:

“Let’s go down the line of politics… you guys consider yourself Constitutionalists in WI Patriot 3%… the Watchmen are Libertarians… the media is portraying them as right wing extremists, but they’re clearly NOT…”

For years, media, @GovWhitmer & @FBI LIED

@FBI’s Impola lists off suspected criminal acts of CHS Robeson on @GovWhitmer hoax:

•Obstr of justice, destroy evidence, felon in possession of .50 cal, straw firearm purchase

“How many illegal acts are going on here? How many times does [Steve] get the free pass? Playing FBI?”

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @GovWhitmer CHS Steve Robeson admits he met with defendant Higgins after Higgins’ house searched… FBI concerned Robeson planted defense of “just going on a pedophile hunt” with him

Robeson then drops Higgins was thinking of killing himself

FBI IRATE Steve didn’t mention that

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer CHS Steve Robeson admits he lied (unclear to militia or FBI handler). @FBI warns it just takes 1 jury mbr to hear “nothing illegal happened”& sow doubt

FBI Impola: jury doesn’t listen to audio; just witness credibility

Impola recalls claim evidence is now all over Steve’s house

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @FBI Agent Impola to CHS Robeson: “We know that you’ve lied. How do we’re know you’re truthful now?”

Robeson disobeyed FBI handler’s direction

Impola: “This is shot across bow. You could be charged with felon in possession, obstruction… you’re so close, don’t do anything”

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer After being CHS, @FBI backstabs Robeson:

FBI Impola: “You’re not going to be happy with us, you picked up on this; we’re taking measures & we ARE searching your house right now, probably figured that out… You’re a Gov’t witness. Anyone reaches out, house is coming down on them”

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @FBI Agents Impola & Chambers lie their faces off, telling CHS Robeson he’s likely not in jeopardy, based on what they know now (caveating house search)

Robeson ends up with gun charges

FBI invited him to debrief, took phone, isolated him for search warrant; considered arrest

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer Recall, @FBI almost didn’t take up @GovWhitmer hoax; nothing illegal

Agent Chambers pushed it as terrorism enterprise investigation (TEI) & FBI gave in. STILL went nowhere until CHSes & u/c agents pushed

“This case is the largest by volume, terrorism case Govt dealt with in 🇺🇸”

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer Source of @FBI audio from @Eric_VanDussen 👇

@FBI @GenFlynn @GovWhitmer @Eric_VanDussen Check out @Eric_VanDussen and @trevoraaronson’s article in @theintercept


“The Informant at the Heart of the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Was a Liability. So Federal Agents Shut Him Up.”…

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