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Jun 24, 6 tweets

🪪 Read This Thread Before Verifying Your ID on X (MAJOR THREAD 🧵)

@elonmusk recently announced that everyone must verify their identity on X in order to be monetized.

This involves handing over our government issued IDs and biometric data to a verification company.

That company is AU10TIX.

In this thread we’ll go through AU10TIX’s dark history, connection to Israeli intelligence, and much more.

Huge shoutout to @TheOfficial1984 for helping with a lot of the research used to write this thread.

1/4 🧵

🇮🇱👥 The Personnel Behind AU10TIX

I think a good starting point when learning about AU10TIX is knowing the people who run it.

As we go through the personnel behind AU10TIX, you’ll notice a familiar pattern.

Founder | Ron Atzmon:

⁃ Former member of Israel’s intelligence Unit 8200.

⁃ Unit 8200 provides Israel with 90% of its intelligence material.

⁃ His father, Menachem Atzmon (who we’ll talk about more later), was convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud while co-treasurer of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.

⁃ Up until his 1996 conviction, his father was also president of the Israel Development Fund (IDF), a U.S. tax-exempt foundation funneling money illegally to the Likud party of Ariel Sharon and Bibi Netanyahu.

⁃ Gilad Atzmon, Menachem’s cosuin, confirmed that Menachem is a senior Israeli Mossad operative and the front man for Shaul Eisenberg, Mossad's mega-agent in China and Japan (more on this later).

⁃ AU10TIX is the technological arm of ICTS International (which we’ll talk about more later), and was founded by former Israeli Shin Bet members and is owned by Menachem Atzmon.

CEO | Dan Yerushalmi:

⁃ Was previously the CRO and Chief Customer Officer for Check Point Software Technologies (CPST)

⁃ CPST is an American-Israeli cybersecurity company that operates out of Tel Aviv.

⁃ The founder of CPST, Gil Shwed, served in Israel’s intelligence unit, Unit 8200.

⁃ CPST has collaborated with the Israeli government to address national cyber needs.

⁃ Dan was also once the president and business manager of EMEA for Amdocs.

⁃ Amdocs is an Israeli based private communications company that was investigated by US federal agencies in the early 2000s in connection with the 9/11 attacks due to suspicions that their billing records might have been used to monitor government phone calls.

⁃ In 2016, Dan was named one of the ‘100 most influential CIOs in the world’ by CIO magazine.

Chief Marketing Officer | Amazia Keidar:

⁃ Previously worked as the Vice President of international marketing for Cellebrite.

⁃ Cellebrite is an Israeli cyber tech firm known for selling its products to law enforcement agencies in Latin American countries. 

Vice President of EMEA | Edo Soroka:

⁃ Previously worked as the Sales Director for AnyVision, an Israeli start-up accused of surveilling Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Chief Financial Officer | Erez Hershkovitz:

⁃ Previously worked as the CFO for Voyager Labs, an Israeli company sued by Meta for using nearly 40,000 fake Facebook accounts to collect data on an estimated 600,000 users.

Vice President of Product Management | Nir Stern:

⁃ Served in the Israeli Air Force.

Vice President of Research and Development | Avidan Lamdan:

⁃ Worked as an engineer in the Israeli Military.

The Company’s General Counsel | Udi Abraham:

⁃ Former Israeli Military Captain.

⁃ Worked for Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer, Elbit Systems, for five years.

Vice President of Pre-sales | Elad Elazar:

⁃ Former Major in the Israeli Military.

The Head of AU10TIX’s Asia-Pacific Sector | Rom Amir:

⁃ Former Israeli Army Lieutenant.

So, have you noticed the pattern I said you were gonna notice?

Now that you know the people behind AU10TIX, alarm bells should already be ringing.

To have your suspicions confirmed even further, carry on reading 📖


🚨🛩️ ICTS International

This is where it gets juicy.

So as we’ve already established, ICTS International was founded by former Shin Bet members and is owned by former Likud treasurer and Mossad operative, Menachem Atzmon, (the father of AU10TIX owner Ron Atzmon).

AU10TIX operates as the technological arm of ICTS International.

Now let’s go over ICTS’ connections to some of the most famous terrorist attacks in recent history:


⁃ Shaul Eisenberg

Remember when I said Menachem was the “front man for Shaul Eisenberg, Mossad's mega-agent in China and Japan”?

Eisenberg was the man who attempted to secure a security contract for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 1987.

This included security for critical infrastructure such as the World Trade Center, airports, harbors, and tunnels for Mossad-linked company ‘Atwell Security’.

Ultimately, a bid from a Mossad-linked company wanting to manage security for such a significant and sensitive area raised concerns among U.S. officials due to the potential implications of foreign control over critical infrastructure security.

Thus the security contract did not end up going to Atwell Security.

⁃ Airport Security:

ICTS International was responsible for the screening and security at Boston Logan Airport, where they allowed 14 out of the 19 9/11 hijackers to pass through security and board the flight that later struck the Twin Towers

Additionally, ICTS was the primary defendant in the 9/11 tort litigation.

The Underwear Bomber:

ICTS subsidiaries I-SEC and PI were responsible for the security screening of passengers at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, when attempted suicide bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, boarded the jet bound for Detroit.

He had hid the bomb in his underwear and managed to pass through security despite only having a one-way ticket, no luggage and no passport.

Luckily his plan failed as the device malfunctioned.

Witnesses saw Umar’s clothes light on fire and he was quickly reprimanded before being taken into custody by the authorities.

The Guardian also reported that the ‘Underwear Bomber’ had been working undercover for the CIA and Saudi intelligence.

The Shoe Bomber:

ICTS handled security at the Charles de Gaulle Airport outside Paris when “shoe bomber” Richard Reid boarded a US-bound plane on December 22, 2001.

Reid claimed to be a supporter of al-Qaeda and boarded American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami with explosives packed into his shoes.

He failed in detonating the bombs which spared the lives of nearly 200 people.

It was ICTS’ blunder that led to the Transportation Security Administration implementing a shoe-removal rule at its airport checkpoints.


ICTS also handled security for London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, suicide bombings.

Two of its subsidiaries, ICTS UK and ICTS Europe Systems, are based at Tavistock House, Tavistock Square in London, the scene of the London Stagecoach bus bombing that day.

2016 Brussels Airport Bombing:

ICTS managed the security operations at Brussels Airport, the scene of a bomb attack occurred in 2016.

Istanbul Airport Attack:

ICTS handled the security at Istanbul airport where in 2016, a gun and bomb attack killed 41 people and injured more that 230 others.

And THIS is the holding company of AU10TIX, OWNED by the former Likud treasurer and Mossad operative who’s the father of Ron Atzmon (owner of AU10TIX), who is ALSO former Israeli intelligence.

Mossad, espionage, false flags, spying… the list goes on.

We’re meant to give our IDs and biometric data to these guys?

Seriously, @elonmusk?


👁️🪪 The Technology AU10TIX Uses & Conclusion

So, as well as storing the sensitive information provided from our IDs for at least 30 days, (so they say), they will also be storing our biometric data.

AU10TIX is using the SAME facial recognition technology devised by Israel’s intelligence Unit 8200 in their collaboration with X that they use to monitor Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

How do you feel about that EXACT SAME technology being used to scan your biometric data?

And that biometric data and other sensitive information being handled by a company so intrinsically linked with the Mossad and other aspects of Israeli Intelligence?

And the Israeli military.

And espionage.

And false flags.

And allowing terrorist attacks to happen.

And spying.

And Netanyahu’s Likud party.

And fraud.

Still want to hand over your ID and biometric data to AU10TIX in return for monetization?

Or do you think @elonmusk should not go ahead with this decision and prioritize the safety of X's users?

Again, a HUGE shoutout to @TheOfficial1984 for helping me put this thread together.

Would appreciate everyone sharing this thread to help raise awareness about this awful situation users of X are currently being faced with.

We have until July 1 to make a difference.


Additionally, vocal anti-Israel MMA fighter, @jakeshieldsajj, got doxxed just one week after giving his ID to AU10TIX.

@jakeshieldsajj It gets worse.

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