Noah Wall Profile picture
EVP, Policy & Government Affairs at State Financial Officers Foundation. Executive Director SFOF Action.

Jun 24, 11 tweets

Have you been wondering what’s going on with all these cities painting ‘pride’ flags on their crosswalks? Would it surprise you to find that this was not in fact an organic undertaking by city governments? A 🧵exposing the culprit:

Last year the big news for “pride month” was Target and Bud Light committing economic seppuku. Many on X correctly diagnosed the problem, and exposed the @HRC’s Corporate Equality Index as the culprit.

This year, I’ve noticed a different trend and haven’t seen sufficient explanation as to why it’s happening, so I decided to do some research.

Most of the news about these crosswalks has been about Municipalities conducting manhunts to track down people who commit ‘hate crimes’ by leaving skid marks over them. @MattWalshBlog has done an excellent piece on this:

Why is this happening? Well, a less well known program of the @HRC is their Municipal Equality index. It is to cities what the Corporate Equality Index is to companies. Well guess what - these ‘pride crosswalks’ are a program of theirs.

The Municipal Equality Index’s goal is to make local governments the leading edge of the “Queer” agenda. To get a 100% score, cities need to push the envelope of their authority - to go beyond what the state allows them to do. This is explicit.

They force their agenda into city police forces.

Into the Mayor’s office.

And, of course, they direct city contracts to their political allies.

In sum, if you see your city government advancing the Queer agenda - it likely is because of the @HRC. It’s definitely not organic.

Check out if your city has a 100% score!

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