I talked to Hennepin County Board candidate Marisa Simonetti after she was released from jail this morning on a 5th Degree assault charge. She says the alleged victim is a female squatter who won’t leave @M_Simonetti28’s basement at her Edina home. Story at 6:30 @kare11 Breaking the News.
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 This is quickly becoming one of the wackier stories I have covered in recent time... stay tuned.
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 The alleged victim in the case Jackie Vasquez has provided this photo of the live tarantula she says Marisa Simonetti threw at her. An officer put it in this box, she said. The other photo is stuff she says Simonetti and an older man threw.
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 Michael Charles Held, 69, of St. Louis Park was also charged with assault-5, cited and released by police.
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 The 5th degree assault charge Simonetti faces is coded by Edina Police as "intimidation."
Since it's a misdemeanor there is no criminal complaint. I am still awaiting a lot of details from the city attorney to flesh out what police have said.
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 Over the weekend, @CrimeWatchMpls posted details about Simonetti's past case involving her ex-fiance, embattled Woodbury dentist Marko Kamel who was subject of this Star Tribune article last week startribune.com/they-paid-thou…
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 @CrimeWatchMpls Regarding the criminal charge of credit card fraud that was dismissed, Simonetti she had to sign a non-disclosure agreement as part of their civil settlement.
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 @CrimeWatchMpls Also of note, Marisa Simonetti and the father of her child have harassment restraining orders against each other. He makes allegations of assault and stalking against her. Lots of ugly text messages between both of them. She says they have a workable co-parenting arrangement now.
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 @CrimeWatchMpls Here is a screenshot from a video the ex-boyfriend filed with the court where he says Simonetti was assaulting him. (I redacted his face)
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 @CrimeWatchMpls And the ex-boyfriend also said Marisa Simonetti created a Grindr account in his name, chatted with people while pretending to be him, then men started arriving at his door and family members' doors expecting to hook up.
@M_Simonetti28 @kare11 @CrimeWatchMpls Regarding Simonetti's driving record, she applied for expungement this year but was denied. She said on her application her 20s were a stressful time and she was the target of domestic abuse and she is rehabilitated. She pointed out to me last ticket was 2 years ago.
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