Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jun 25, 11 tweets


The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s illegal student loan plan.

Congress never gave Biden the authority

A huge win for the Constitution.



Attorney General Bailey Obtains Court Order Blocking Biden’s Latest Illegal Student Loan Plan

Attorney General Bailey Obtains Court Order Blocking Biden’s Latest Illegal Student


The Court’s order [24JUN24]

from the US District Court
Eastern District Of Missouri

Case: 4:24-cv-00520-JAR


Looks like Biden’s student loan giveaway to purchase votes might have been stopped by a Federal judge



Joe Biden VIOLATED Separation of Powers AGAIN with his student loan bailout.

The Supreme Court told him NO.
The Congress has NOT voted on this.
But he does it anyway.



Reminder... Biden's student loan giveaway is not free and this unconstitutional handout is costing taxpayers billions.



Student loan relief contributing to 27% jump in projected federal budget deficit, per CBO

Lawmakers will have to contend with even larger federal budget deficits, according to the Congressional Budget Office.…

A federal court just granted the State of Florida an injunction against Biden’s unlawful student loan forgiveness plan.

Biden’s attempt to defy the Supreme Court was rightly rejected.



In response to our lawsuit, a judge has blocked President Biden’s unlawful student loan plan.

Hardworking Georgians shouldn’t be on the hook for other people’s debt.



Biden has transferred more student loan debt onto tax payers who didn’t take out a loan


Biden has canceled more student loan debt for more Americans than any president in history



The Supreme Court could not have been more clear: Biden does not have the power to unilaterally waive student loan debt.

Biden broke the law and did it anyway.



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