Cardiff Garcia Profile picture
Just because opinions are mine doesn't mean they can't also be yours. EIG Editorial Director, New Bazaar host; co-founder, Bazaar Audio; ex-journalist (FT, NPR)

Jun 25, 5 tweets

[1/5] From 1980-1993, median real wages slightly *fell* (by 1 percent). That period of wage stagnation was an actual thing. But from 1994 to now, they’re up 38 percent. (And of course they would have been up even more if not for the horribly sluggish recovery from the GFC.)

[2/5] And it’s worth noting that more than two-thirds of the current labor force started working after that earlier period of wage stagnation had ended. (Really love this chart from @BenGlasner.)

@BenGlasner [3/5] Also worth noting is how the trajectory for men’s and women’s real wages differed, especially in that earlier period of stagnation…

[4/5] … but real wages for both have grown appreciably since the mid-1990s.

[5/5] Lots and lots more in The American Worker Project, which we released just this morning, at this link:…

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