Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jul 2, 10 tweets


"A lot of people would vote for a corpse over Donald Trump."

Do you agree with Francesca Fiorentini? Watch the full debate 👇



piersmorgan | michaeljknowles | TheOmniLiberal | franifio

“People Will Vote For A CORPSE Over Trump!” Biden Debate Feat Destiny

last week’s car crash presidential debate has done little to persuade the Democrats to change course, as Joe Biden remains the candidate they back to take on Donald Trump


UPDATE: 1 million views for this debate in just 15 hours. 🚀



“You got a guy trying to put his opponent into an orange jumpsuit and it turns out the guy who’s trying to do that has applesauce for brains.”



But can the corpse win? Big risk



Trump actually could win.

This is a very real poll, in...err...the Times.

The Dems should counter by running a candidate who is alive.



“If it’s a Biden and Trump race, I would vote for Biden even if he was dead.”

-A PA Republican voter to NBC News.

[Republicans against Trump]


Speaking on behalf of most Americans...

"I'd rather vote for the corpse of Biden than Trump's lying face."



I've always said I'd vote for a corpse over Donald Trump and boy is Biden putting me to the test



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