Sean tooker Profile picture
Alive & kicking. Ex Sydneysider, Climate Change refugee, Conservationist, musician. Views my own.

Jul 2, 16 tweets

First it was the strange hue of the trees now it’s a real life nightmare.

This is very hard to take, it must be shared because none of us can escape this.
A catastrophe like we’ve never known is unfolding & exploding at an incredible rate. 🧵


First, Eucs in hundreds than thousands were completely expired, almost overnight.
Shrubs, grasses all dying
Like WTF?
This is just 2 months ago.

But that’s just half the story, the real terror has just exploded in eucalypts here in #tasmania

Graphic content ahead.

Ginger Tree Syndrome.
(Google it)

First noticed a rise in the amount of big Eucs bleeding heavily. I was aware of the syndrome but it wasn’t highly visible.

It was isolated too.

Not anymore.

E, globulus with
advanced bleeding

They’re dead now.

So where’s this?

Just a few days ago, the Tasman Peninsula.

Huge old E, globulus that I have known since yrs before dying altogether, all at once.

And there’s nothing any of us can do to stop it.

It gets worse….


Just opposite, the next generation, a young Glob throws it’s arms up in protest but it’s too late.
Those unusual wounds that resemble a screaming face.

The bleeding has begun.
It will be dead soon.

This is the most harrowing & haunting image I have ever captured.

I go further then photograph another species of Euc. This is E, tenurarmis it’s dying in large numbers and bleeding heavily.

In Sorell, a streetscape planted Euc it’s doomed.

And then, walking into a dying forest not far from home a tree has literally exploded.

This is how a healthy E. obliqua looks.

A thick jacket of grey coloured bark.

I struggled to find this example because they are all dying so quickly. The 1 on the right is close to death along with it’s mate.



Oh shit.

Our forests are quitting us.


Here’s the early stages of Ginger Tree Syndrome for rough barked E obliqua. Heavy staining from profuse bleeding runs down the tree followed by rapid unraveling of bark.

Mortally wounded.
Thousands of trees once seemingly healthy just months ago are now in their death throes.
I can’t believe what’s happening.

E, globulus.

Every single tree every where is now dying. The smooth bark is stained with its own “blood” you can see the hundreds of sap trails streaming down the branches & trunk.
Then an eerie glow, hence the term Ginger tree syndrome.

I said graphic content earlier & for good reason. This is like witnessing torture. These are mature E, globulus about 50m tall they’ll be dead in just weeks.


My god. I need another drink.
This is just too much to comprehend. No one here gets out alive.

Entire forests are collapsing. And it’s mostly private property. Old farming property. Some are for sale. Who will buy when there’s nothing left?
Insurance premiums bothering you?
My property could be worthless soon.

What’s behind all this? Here’s a clue. In the meantime I’m casting a nervous eye over the forest from my house. So far it appears normal but the sunset glow terrifies me.

It’s not just the SE forests it’s now occurring on the Central Plateau.
Snow Gums E, coccifera 720m ASL.

It’s the biggest story at the moment but will the collapse of ecosystems be televised?
Well you saw it here first & it’s coming to all of us. I’ll post again later.
But for the meantime…

Please…. Watch the Trees.


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