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Jul 3, 8 tweets

THE NEW FAKE PHOTO (1) | Chief Sands

The photo Stella released today of herself with a younger version of Julian Assange in front of a tree is photoshopped.

Look how Assange's hair is painted and blurred while Stella's is pinpoint precision. They cropped Assange's head onto the body of whoever's standing next to her.

Examining the details of the neck will allow you to see how they edited the photo of Stella and faked Assange's head. Allow me to continue explaining.

THE NEW FAKE PHOTO (2) | Chief Sands

After examining the airbrushed hair under Assange's right ear, move now to the large tumor under the jaw. He doesn't actually have a large tumor on his neck, it's just a poor photoshop edit.

THE NEW FAKE PHOTO (3) | Chief Sands

After examining the airbrushed hair and the large tumor on the neck, notice how they also airbrushed the beard away between the left & right sides of the neck.

THE NEW FAKE PHOTO (4) | Chief Sands

After examining the airbrushed hair under his right ear, the large tumor on the right side of his neck and the airbrushed beard wiped away from the center of his neck, turn your attention now to the left side of his neck and ask yourself why his beard is growing in black on that one side only.

THE NEW FAKE PHOTO (5) | Chief Sands

Now look closely at the red dots they inserted where they pasted the head. Make sure you zoom in. Follow the red dots, and you'll see exactly where they pasted the head of Assange onto the photo of Stella. #Assange #JulianAssange

THE NEW FAKE PHOTO (6) | Chief Sands

Look at his forehead top left. I think they just decided he didn't one. Then look at the nose. It's edited where they tried to morph him onto the tree. #Assange #JulianAssange

THE NEW FAKE PHOTO (7) | Chief Sands

Examine the bulge on the lower left neck. Assange's head was cropped on there. They're trying to make it appear as if it's a wrinkle on the neck from turning his head to the left.

Big problem there is that if you mimic that same position in the mirror, you'll see it doesn't happen that way. The photo is faked. It's not Julian Assange standing outside with Stella. She's lying.


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