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Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed far-left policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. Managed by @TeamTrump and the Republican National Committee.

Jul 5, 18 tweets

Democrats have perpetrated a massive fraud by hiding Crooked Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline.

No one has been more central to the coverup than Kamala Harris — who has done everything possible to shield it when pressed on Biden's age or stamina:


March 8, 2024: "I'm ready, if necessary, but it's not gonna be necessary."

February 21, 2024: "Our president is in good shape, in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term."

February 9, 2024: "The way that the president's demeanor in [Special Counsel Hur's] report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated!"

January 25, 2024: "This is someone who is tireless in terms of working."

January 17, 2024: "We have a president in Joe Biden who is forward thinking in a way that we've not seen in a long time."

January 16, 2024: "He is extraordinarily smart. He has the ability to see around the corner."

November 29, 2023: "It is important we not be seduced into one of the only arguments that that side of the aisle has right now on [Biden's cognitive decline] in a way that is intended to distract!"

November 29, 2023: "Age is more than a chronological fact ... Not only is he absolutely authoritative in rooms around the globe, but in the Oval Office."

October 29, 2023: "Joe Biden is very much alive."

September 20, 2023: "[He] is in touch with the problems of today and has a vision for what we can do today and in the future."

September 7, 2023: "Joe Biden is gonna be fine."

March 16, 2023: "He is an extraordinary leader and I wish that people could see what I see."

February 17, 2023: "[Biden] is probably one of the boldest and strongest American presidents we have had."

February 8, 2023: "It's about thinking about whether we have in our leader, which we do in Joe Biden, somebody who is bold."

February 8, 2023: "We have a very bold and vibrant president in Joe Biden."

November 22, 2022: "I have no doubt about the strength of the work that we have done."

Time and time again, Kamala has been the top validator of Crooked Joe's health and fitness — even after instances in which it was very apparent something was amiss.

It's a coverup unlike any other in American politics — and one for which Kamala MUST answer.

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