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Jul 5, 27 tweets

I'm updating my Legendary Characters info with disabilities. I'll post my current list, and then you let me know who I may have missed.

I'm deliberately keeping my definition of disability broad here, but use some discretion. Visual or textual evidence helps!

Also, I'm not interested in Phyrexians for obvious reasons. And use discretion with undead characters.

I am also not an expert on disabilities (although I have done a lot of work with disabilities in disaster scenarios, that's a very narrow subset).

Tezzeret, Sen Triplets, Silas Renn, and Breya are all Esperites from Alara who have modified their bodies in a transhumanist fashion. These were not prothesis for missing limbs, so I'm wary of calling it disability rep (I'm aware of the intersection), but still worth including.

Winota, Vikya, Ruric Thar, and Toski are all missing an arm. Many of them have prosethetics.

Daretti uses a 'wheelchair' as a mobility aid (it's not clear if he lost his legs or if he's paraplegic).

Will Kenrith lost his right leg during the Strixhaven story and uses an magic ice prosthetic.

Magic has a number of eyepatch wearers, including Veldrane, Yisan, Zara, and Ramirez DePietro,

As well as Freyalise and Cazdur.

Inga Rune-Eyes and Lathril are both blind.

Blind Seer, however, is not. Just FYI. That's Urza.

Although technically Urza had powerstone eyes. I'm not sure how to lean on that.

Teysa Karlov has a congenital defect that requires her to use a cane as a mobility aid. She's still got it in undeath.

The Radley reminded me that Imodane also has a prosthetic arm.

And the Radley strikes back with Ruhan, who is also blind.

Tymna and Mayael are also blind, although both have a sort of magical sight.

Mark Rosewater and Doug Beyer have both discussed Narset being autism coded. I'm very hesitant to 'diagnose' neurodivergent fictional characters, but if you think there's others, feel free to suggest them. I'm taking notes but I may not be adding them to this list.

Kaalia has a condition that makes it difficult to open her hands all the way.

Tori D'Avenant has a degenerative disease that led her becoming paraplegic, and she uses a modified saddle to continue her cavalry duties.

Note: I'm looking for comparable human experiences. The cause may be magical, but the disability should be grounded and human.

Akroma loses her legs and has them replaced twice, once with jaguar legs and once with mechanical versions of the jaguar legs.

Not super relatable and full of issues, obviously, but worth mentioning.

Ajani is blind in his left eye

Chainer lost his right arm fighting Jeska, and had an expensive golem prosthetic.

Hugs has an eye patch and watch appears to be a prosthetic right hand.

Toshiro was blinded and left on Dominaria at the conclusion of the Kamigawa block. He still built a legacy there that became a respect house. We don’t see his blindness on cards.

Im putting Slobad here but with an asterisk because he has all his limbs cut off by Memnarch, but it gets magically reversered when he gets Glissa’s spark and all the power of all the souls of Mirrodin, which he then gives up.

Wrenn is pushing into the “is this too magical or metaphorical” sphere a bit, but she can’t walk on her own and requires a treefolk partner as a sort-of mobility device.

Zndrsplt and Kylem Homunculi can’t speak and use sign language instead, something all Kylem folks learn. This also pushes into magical space but is worth noting. Zndrsplt uses telepathy to communicate through her partner Okaun.

I should also note Freyalise wasn’t actually blind in her eye, the eyepatch was an affectation. I forgot about that when searching for eyepatches.

I did not know it was disability Pride month when I made this thread 😅🤣

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