Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jul 6, 10 tweets


Biden's campaign threatened the media with "undue election influence" for questioning Joe's mental capacity. Jake Tapper doesn't like how that feels!



Biden Campaign Accuses Newspaper Of Election Interference Over Critical Editorial: "Undue Influence"…

"Editorial boards are supposed to honor fair elections. I don't think it's fair when... ten people sitting in a room try to influence an election."



The New York Times editorial board has called on Joe Biden to drop out

To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race



Analyst reacts to Biden campaign’s criticism of journalists



[Any criticism of President Biden is election interference?]

Sen. ReverendWarnock (D-Ga.) says voters will “test” both Biden and Trump over the course of the election.



Delusional Democrat Dan Goldman laughably claims Cognitively Impaired Joe Biden is "far more up to the job" than President Trump



CENSORSHIP: Biden's team is now calling newspaper editorials critical of the president 'election interference'. Should newspapers be allowed to publish negative stories against a sitting Democrat president?



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